Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ugh...Coming Up For Air...Guilt...PTA

I've spent the majority of the past week writing. Not that it's a bad thing, but I feel like I've neglected my life. My son and husband took off for the day to sled in the mountains, while I stayed home with a puking dog and edited a new story. Now I'm left with a headache from a caffeine overload, and my eyes are jacked.

The good news is I've completed my new book. Bad news is that I feel like a shitty parent. So, I think I will take a break for the next 48 hours to reclaim my life. I also need to settle on cover art for the book. I hired someone to design it for me, but I'm not exactly thrilled with the end results. Any other writers out there design their own covers?

Anyone catch Hindsight last week? It was good...really good! Is it wrong that hate Kevin? Can't wait for the next episode. Has it been picked up for a second season???

I need to get back to real life. Which for me means working in my son's classroom and organizing a "Movie Night" basket for the annual school auction. It's really not as bad as it sounds, but I draw the line at being a PTA president. I don't think I have the sunny personality for it. But I do pay my yearly dues, just to make myself feel less guilty. I'll never be a REAL PTA mom. I'm far too much of a Daria Morgendorffer for that.

Besides, this is what the PTA looks like....

As you can imagine, I don't exactly blend in well......

Wish me luck.

(If you didn't already know, I'm a lover of the 90's. Daria was my everything back then and still is now!)

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